
Archive for May, 2009

Military Respect

I was at work at Starbucks the other day, and saw three men in military uniforms come in and browse the menu while in line. I thought nothing of it at first. My attention was then drawn to a regular customer, who, honestly, I never thought much of, coming up to the counter. She is what I considered a rude, Woodbridge lady.

My opinion was changed when she handed me her credit card, instructing me to pay for anything the men in uniform ordered. They were not even aware of this action, as she did it while they were in line looking at the menu.

When they ordered and went to pay, I informed them that they had been taken care of. They profusely thanked the woman, who in return only said, “No, thank all of you.”

I was in awe at the simple act of kindness and gratitude from a woman who I originally thought wouldn’t care enough about anyone else to do something like that. It was a sight worth seeing.

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Been busy of late,  but updates are on the way.  A few targets that will soon be addressed:


United Auto Workers Union


Feel free to send in any suggestions or write your own post and send it in.  I think it would be great to receive guest posts and turn this in to a communal board for justice.

Anyway, updates are coming.

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